Santa Cruz De Tenerife

Santa Cruz De Tenerife

Tenerife’s capital dates back more than five centuries and bears the marks of time. The port of Alonso Fernández de Lugo, founded on May 3, 1494, became an important stop along the trade route between Europe and the Americas. A picturesque spot to visit is the plaza Principe, Weyler, San Francisco, and Candelaria, lined with churches and historic buildings. Historical buildings like the Concepción Church and the Palacio de Carta reflect the maritime history of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Every Sunday, visitors eager to explore the antique market of Nuestra Seora de Africa are attracted to its elegant colonial ambience.


Image Source: Cardonal at Pixabay

Destination: Sydney, Australia
Duration: 5 Days
Date: Jun 26 - jun 30
Hotel: 5 Star
Meals: Lunch, Dinner
Price: $751.00

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